jueves, 27 de abril de 2017

Responsible ownership

I think that we must attack the root of the problem, we can see that everything in our country is bad or the most things. We know that the education in Chile during the last years has been one of the great problems that the country has had. But, also I consider important address the issue to the responsible ownership of pets or animals in general. Although, a short while ago  the bill about responsible ownership was approved, there is still much to do and to think about. Through the social networks, there are many cases where pets or animals are abandoned, exploited, mistreated or neglected. I think that a law is a very important step to be able to generate changes, but these most of them must be done from ourselves. We should generate awareness or do small actions for others to question things. It requires a cultural change that can be supported by the state, providing the necessary educational tools so that people understand that this is not only a resource problem, but also a lot of ignorance on the part of everyone. 

jueves, 20 de abril de 2017

John Murra

My presentation is about John Murra, he was an ethnohistorian, professor of anthropology and researcher of the Inca Empire. It highlights the ethnohistorical relevance, due to the extensive review he made of mainly administrative records and documents, where he obtained information about the societies that inhabited the Andes during the Spanish invasion. 


jueves, 13 de abril de 2017

Millenary larch trees

Many years ago I went to the south of Chile with my boyfriend. We went to Corral in Valdivia and we arrived to Chaihuin bay. In Chaihuin we took a tour in a car in direction to “Coastal Larch Tree National Park”. When we arrived start to walk in the park, on the way I saw many “Copihue” the national flower in our country. We walked for around three hours, I was very tired I could not continue, but finally I could get to know a larch tree (alerce) and also other trees like Coigüe and Lingue, native species. I was excited for everything that I was looking and feeling. I saw a bird carpenter in a tree, he was so beautiful and with my boyfriend we took some photos. I remember that we saw the tracks of a puma but we did not see a puma. 

jueves, 6 de abril de 2017

Welcome to my blog!

My name is Valentina Saavedra, I'm from Santiago and I Study Archaeology, it is my four year in this career. I like astronomy, sometimes I see in my telescope some planets, the moon, and stars cluster. Also I like the rock, metal, alternative and classical music, but also really I like the arabian and indian folk music. In my free times I play videogames in my computer or playstation with my boyfriend. I have a three cats, their names are Matt, Emilia and Luna.

Responsible ownership I think that we must attack the root of the problem, we can see that everything in our country is bad or the mo...