jueves, 6 de abril de 2017

Welcome to my blog!

My name is Valentina Saavedra, I'm from Santiago and I Study Archaeology, it is my four year in this career. I like astronomy, sometimes I see in my telescope some planets, the moon, and stars cluster. Also I like the rock, metal, alternative and classical music, but also really I like the arabian and indian folk music. In my free times I play videogames in my computer or playstation with my boyfriend. I have a three cats, their names are Matt, Emilia and Luna.

3 comentarios:

  1. Hi Valentina, I'm worried you did not come to class today. Remember the subject has an attendance requirement. Today was class number 6, you've only come to 1. Please pay attention to that.

  2. Hi Valentina, I'm worried you did not come to class today. Remember the subject has an attendance requirement. Today was class number 6, you've only come to 1. Please pay attention to that.


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