jueves, 13 de abril de 2017

Millenary larch trees

Many years ago I went to the south of Chile with my boyfriend. We went to Corral in Valdivia and we arrived to Chaihuin bay. In Chaihuin we took a tour in a car in direction to “Coastal Larch Tree National Park”. When we arrived start to walk in the park, on the way I saw many “Copihue” the national flower in our country. We walked for around three hours, I was very tired I could not continue, but finally I could get to know a larch tree (alerce) and also other trees like Coigüe and Lingue, native species. I was excited for everything that I was looking and feeling. I saw a bird carpenter in a tree, he was so beautiful and with my boyfriend we took some photos. I remember that we saw the tracks of a puma but we did not see a puma. 

3 comentarios:

  1. The animals are very amazing. You have good lock. :)

  2. hi, this is a very good walk! i never seen puma in nature

  3. Wow! Always it's beautiful walk in nature, I would like to be there now :(


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